My lovely sister and I had a brilliant idea to go shopping at 5:00am. You see a local store had 20 inch flat screen TV's on sale for a mere $49.99. Wow what a steal! Considering the newest TV I have is approaching 8+ years old and the oldest is at least 20 years old (NO JOKE!) Today was the day.
This is the first time I have ever braved the crowds on this day...

As we enter in we see people lined up 20 deep at the cash registers. WOW! Many with our TV's in their carts. We head back to electronics only to discover our item is over by the pets and food departments. What??? That makes no sense at all to me! Alas we start the trek with myself in the lead. As I am bobbing and weaving through the crowds my lovely sister calls out somewhat laughing, "Are you sure you have never done this before!?" I glance back to see that we have a line of about 8-10 carts following our newly opened path. I shout back without thinking,"Yes I'm sure! I teach in a daycare and we are just having a fire drill practice!" OK we aren't really having a field trip on this day but that's what I felt like as I looked behind me.
So we each get our TV's and we go wait in the line to check out. People are really not being that bad. For the most part people are almost being polite.
Then we left that store.
At the next store people were a little more lively to say the least. I managed to get the last piece jewelry to complete the set I had in my hand but it had no bar code sticker on it. Uh oh. I searched in vain for the same item but with the needed information and it could not be found. Off I went to the cash register to wait in line with my trusted little ad in my hand proving the amount. Things got ugly behind me as the people griped and grumbled and complained because I was taking so long. The first price they came up with was over double what I intended on paying for it. They continued looking for a price and UPC number while the snide comments continued to roll forward like hot lava from a volcano. The highlight was when one lady said something to the effect of, "You could have run back and gotten a different one for as long as this one is taking!" I somewhat politely said no this is the last one like this. This was followed by more rude comments at which point I was no longer being polite and pushing the being civil envelope right to the edge.
No need for bail money. I was however very happy to get back in the car and go on about my day.
1 comment:
I posted too! but had a tad different *as usual* take. Must be the shorter view!
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