To update anyone who has not been reading for long check out this spot or this one or maybe this one.
I have children in Heaven just not here on earth. At the end of November the twins would have been 4 years old. I should also have a 2 year old, a 14 year old and a 12 year old. I think those ages are right...I'm feeling a little foggy today.
The grief comes and goes as it always will. Some days I struggle with why God has me in this spot at this time but I know He has a plan. I know His ways are better than mine but it still hurts.
I have been thinking on this lately because of the upcoming missions trip. I know these people personally as they came from my home church. They are now located in Jamaica because of God's call on their life. They have said:
Our calling and ministry is to the abandoned and homeless children of Jamaica. Thousands of children are left each year on the streets to fend for themselves. We have been appointed as directors of a children's home in Christiana, Jamaica called New Vision City of Refuge.
I am irritated at times because children are abandoned and yet there are people like me in the world. My heart goes out to these children while I struggle with not being judgmental with the now absent parents.
Jesus died for them as well. Not just me.
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