With that being said....
When I go to Jamaica there will be 10 women in 3 rooms (with bunkbeds) and only one bathroom. Inevitably one of us will stumble across another's leftover aroma.
Now I am one of the most down to earth people on this trip. Most of the others are skirt wearing, makeup in place, sipping the tea with a finger in the air business type women. I have a deep respect for several of these women.
I know there are people in the world that respect me as well but I wouldn't dream of letting them in on my bathroom habits. But this is going to be one of these "bonding moments". As long as we treat each other with dignity and respect it should be easy enough to get passed this little natural event.
Maybe this has to do with how I was raised. I was raised that the bathroom is a place that no one talks about, discusses what goes on in that little room or interrupts someone while they are in there. Big Red had a bad habit of bringing me the phone while I was in the shower. Like he expected me to stop everything, let the soap dry as I discussed something with a friend or relative. The words, "She's unavailable." were not in his vocabulary. I would have called back in a matter of 20 minutes if not less.
I find it ironic how at peace I am about this trip. How God has provided all the money I need for the trip. How comfortable I am with all the things I will be doing as part of this team. How I know that I am right where God wants me to be yet.... I am worried about poop and the missions trip.
I know I can hear you now.....Get over it already! Well I feel better already for having gotten it off my chest.
Take a pack of matches with you.
a lit match rids the room of "the aroma" as soon as it is lit.
I learned this from my loving hubby who does not practice this at home.
I have also heard flushing before rising helps with the odor, maybe you could all make this pact?
I think you are feeling so much peace about this trip it feels weird so to calm you, you need something to worry about. I think that once you get there and are so busy with the kids this will be a non issue. On the off chance that I am wrong, remember the Jana song, "Nothing I can do about it now." Maybe you guys could learn the words on the plane ride down. I find it comes in handy at the strangest of moments.
I am so excited for you. Let me know if there are any last minutes things you might need.
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