I love this stuff! It has a hint of a coffee taste with mostly a Hot Chocolate kind of taste
Someone asked me why I don't just take little packets of hot cocoa with me. The problem is that I don't think they will have enough caffeine in them to give me my "fix" for the day. Yes ladies and gentlemen One4JC has a vice.
I am addicted to caffeine. If I do not have a pop in the morning I will get a MASSIVE headache. Where I will be located in Jamaica will not have a pop machine just down the street. I will be on a mountain. With all the new strict airline rules I do not believe I can pack pop in my suitcase. I don't know if I could anyway because of the pressurized nature of the aircraft.
So I have been forced to seek out other ways to feed my need for caffeine. It has to be in a non-liquid form. I have been trying different types of powdered coffee trying to find one that I like. According to this chart 1 cup of this instant coffee should enable me to not get a headache. But I don't know if the Mocha part of this beverage will decrease the caffeine in the drink. I would think not because chocolate contains caffeine as well.
I think the only other option is those stupid caffeine pills that Big Red and I used to fight over all the time. Of course that's because he took 3 or 4 EVERY morning with a Mountain dew!
Well I have had two cups already so now we wait and see if the headache comes today or not.
If you want to, you still have enough time to get off the caffeine before you leave. It only takes about a week to clean it out of your system. Once it is gone, the headaches stop.
I would also suggest trying tea. The little tea bags wouldn't take up much room. My favorite is Asian Jasmine White Tea from "The Republic of Tea." I get mine from World Market. Tea has about as much caffeine as coffee. Also, no sugar or chemicals, bonus!
Genetics! Genetics! Genetics!
I'll have to tell you some day what my "new" counselor thought of the coffee bean chewing and ever present coffee beans in my dreams thought of them.
You might like some of the other flavors too!
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