Somehow even though the TB test stuff is not injected into my bloodstream it still has a huge impact on me. It is the "foreign object" inside my body that turns my blood against itself.
I discovered yesterday that the reason I dread the TB test is not just because I hate needles. I detest what happens to me afterward. The little injection doesn't really bother me after all these years of having one. Now a blood test is a completely different story. I honestly cry/passout with a blood draw.
If you are weak hearted I suggest you go onto another blog instead of reading this next part......
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When I was a wee little lass of about 12 I got really sick. I had pneumonia. At the time I was living with my Grandma (the mean one) while my parents sold the old house, bought the new house and moved several counties away. I went early so I would not have to switch schools in the middle of the year.
Of course my Grandma thought I was faking when the school sent me home that day with a fever of 101 degrees??? I went home and sat on the couch all curled up in blankets shivering. All I wanted was to go home to my own bed. My house. She checked the fever several hours later and when it hit 104 she no longer waited...Presto... she called my Mom to come get me.
I went home and by the next morning I was at the hospital. I don't remember this part. I remember Grandma saying Mom was on the way and then 3 days later waking up in a hospital. I remember that I needed to pee. I got up and started to leave for the restroom in the room when .....
Remember you were warned....
I tragically realized I had been hooked up to an IV for fluids and did not find out until it was too late.
This is why I am afraid of needles....yes I know that IV needles are really small and actually plastic BUT.......That pain is forever burned in my memory!
So you must realize how important children are to me when I would still be willing to have a child even knowing I would have to give myself 2 shots of bloodthinner EVERYDAY.
Jamaica is only 25 days away....working with children down there...I can't wait.
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