Saturday, December 03, 2005

The garage...sigh

So today I spent 2 1/2 hours or so clearing things out of my Mother's garage. The plan started out being to rearrange so that next weekend I would be able to fit my bounty from the great move. But enter Mom...

"Could you please find the Christmas decorations while your out there and bring them in so that we can put them up soon?" Sigh... Yes when she said find she meant locate in the vast amount of boxes that she had piled into the garage over the course of the last year since she took them down. So instead of simply moving and rearranging the boxes I now had to open every single one to see if it contained festive decorations. I think this year when we pack them up we (ok so it will be me) will be LABELING everything. I know it is a shocking concept but .... hey lets try something well... just downright crazy. Oh but wait there's more! My Mother is the original packrat! She buys things (specifically Christmas items for the sake of this post) at garage sales and online auction sites throughout the entire year and now expected me to find them. I guess this would be the one upside to all the memory problems she has been experiencing lately. It's not like she going to remember ALL the things she bought.

So she arrived home peeked in the garage and asked me if I "found anything interesting out there". Now that's a loaded question to say the least. First of all let's look at a few basic facts:
* She is a packrat. No question about it.
* She is a compulsive shopper. When items are bought she stuffs them anywhere she can find space.
* She is a clown. Yes as in the real thing with face painted and all the gimmicks to go along with it.
* She occasionally runs across an item and swears she never bought that it must belong to one of the children (that would be my sister or I). She buys so much that SHE can't even remember it all.

Long story... No I didn't find the "Magnetic Polka Dots" for your car.

I believe I have created enough room to fit most (if not all) of my items next weekend. Of course that is provided she doesn't go shopping between now and then...

1 comment:

Phil said...

Well, you didn't ask me (you don't even know me), but I'll put in my two cents.

Is it wise to put your stuff in your mothers garage, especially if you're planning on going on mission? Seems to me it would be better if you rented a self-storage place and put your stuff there. I don't have any idea of your financial situation, but if it works it would be a whole lot better than filling her garage with your stuff, with her not remembering what is yours and what is hers, and with her stuff buried behind yours, and B.R. potentially upset at you.

Just a thought from a nosy Parker.