You see yesterday 2 major changes happened within 30 minutes of each other. I found out through a phone call from Big Red that the divorce was final...simply because he needed the paperwork from the lawyer who wouldn't release it until some cash exchanged hands. As I was leaving the lawyer's office with my paperwork in hand I noticed I had missed a call. I called it back to find a job offer at the other end. I accepted a better position with more money etc etc etc.
I gave my notice today at work and it was much smoother than anticipated.
However this is 2 major life changes in my world within a half an hour...and a name change! I am not fond of change. I do not like change.
Stress? What stress? I found this little quiz to take.
I scored 346!
LOL I will come through this just like everything else. Time it just takes time.
HOLY CRAP! I scored 743!
I feel bad, I only scored a 95.
Two years from now your score will be lower too.
Congrats on the new job!
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