I started off running interference between Mom and Sister. You see when Sister graduated with her Associates degree Mom walked...no wait....stormed in and embarrassed Sister in front of ALL the people in her graduating class. Over something utterly stupid and ridiculous that did not even happen.
I made sure that I fixed Sister's cap for the ceremony including the tassel that Mom insisted should look that way (all crooked and bunched up). I took Mom's camera and made sure all the settings were correct for her to take pictures during the ceremony. Good Lord I hope she didn't change them!
I made sure the Squirrel had plenty of suggestions of what to draw to avoid any irritations. Given that everyone was super hungry I tried to get the restaurant changed to one we could get into quicker but I lost that battle.
We did have a highly humorous conversation about cursive letters. Squirrel is learning those in school. She told him the lower case m's have 2 humps and n's have one hump. No I say he has it right m's have 3 humps and n's have 2 humps. A full fledged critique of my educational experience was launched. Normally I might have let this go but the boy listens to Grandma's advice intently. And well ... he had it correct. After several minutes of this disagreement I finally looked at the people behind us who were stifling laughter and asked them. Yes alas the boy and I were right. She told them not to get involved with it... in her own passive aggressive way. The IRONY here is that for 40+ years of her life she has been signing her checks with a name that includes no less than 3 of these lower case letters. I asked her if she had been signing her name wrong all these years...OK maybe that wasn't so nice but she but she all but called me an idiot and questioned my profession of teaching children about letters.

My sister ordered a Patty Melt. When it arrived my Mom said, "Huh! I have never seen a Patty Melt served on Bread before!"
In my sisters wisdom she simply responded, "Well I like them this way."
I love my family but sometimes I really worry about Mom. She has been referred on several occasions for testing for Alzheimer's but she refuses to go. Sometimes I feel that if she refuses to get help and admit there might be a problem then my hands are tied. And golly that makes it really hard to deal with her on a daily basis.
I am glad that Beau is in her life. It helps me not worry about her setting the house on fire or hurting herself as much.
The conversation about the letters led me to a Dx of subbornitist rather than memory loss.
You are a great care taker for your mom. Just remember to take care of yourself as well.
Very Funny. and oh so true recap!
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