I discovered this new little blog that offers up a free association exercise every week. So hey why not? Let's give it a try! Ok the first thing that comes to your mind:
- San Francisco ::
- Sadness ::
- Spirits ::
- Harriet ::
- State ::
- John ::
- Offense ::
- Timeless ::
- Account ::
- Refuse ::
So head to the comments and type your responses...I will post mine later this week.
San Francisco :: eartquake
Sadness :: melencholy
Spirits :: Jesus
Harriet :: the Spy
State :: O'Pain
John :: Travolta
Offense :: Child Molester
Timeless :: "and so are the Days Of Out Lives"
Account :: checkbook
Refuse:: jerk
San Francisco :: the rice a roni treat
Sadness :: love lost
Spirits :: ....a christmas carol
Harriet :: and ozzie
State :: Indiana
John :: ...
Offense :: defense
Timeless :: classic
Account :: bank
Refuse :: deny
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