Saturday, December 09, 2006

I am still alive......

The rumors of my death have been exaggerated. I am however without an internet connection until the services are hooked up in my name "no later than Weds. December 20th" WHAT! How did I ever survive without the internet all those years? I am missing my little online friendships, my daily blog reads, the ability to check my email anytime I want and what about my daily devotions that are emailed to me and my friends I communicate with by email because it is cheaper than the phone calls.

Life has been busy and interesting in this last week. I have however been lucky enough to miss out on the slew of emails from my Mom. My Mom rarely uses the phone anymore. She communicates almost exclusively through email with me. Although I do miss the announcements that she will be stopping by my house to pick up more of her I can't avoid her arrival or straighten the place up if needed.

Never fear I will be back soon enough with tales of my adventures...Surely there will be some as I have all this free time....

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