So I watched the final episode of The Price is Right with Bob Barker as the host. I know and I am not even in my 60's yet.
I wrote of one Grandpa yesterday that watched Billy Graham fervently and today I watched the final episode of a show that the other Grandpa scheduled his day around.
You see I spent a great deal of time with these Grandparents. Every summer I would spend at least 2 or 3 weeks at their house. This is where I learned how to drive a riding lawnmower, pick raspberries, shuck corn, "snap" green beans and appreciate nature and the outdoors at dusk as well. A typical day would entail becoming a "mall walker" before the stores opened for the day, eating out at Richard's restaurant then returning home to do a few chores like cleaning and "fetching the whatchamacallit from the upstairs". I might be sent out to get the mail or mow the lawn but none of these activities could ever interrupt "The Price is Right".
Grandpa could, without fail, nail ever price requested and bid successfully on the showcases. He was usually Very VERY close. I always told him that when I got my driving license we would drive to the studio and he could play...and meet Bob Barker.
Of course that never happened but the dreams we had.....
He would have loved the big send off of Bob Barker because it was simply a game show with an extra "I love everyone" right before his closing tag line about controlling the pet population by spaying and neutering your pets.
Grandpa would have loved it.
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