As I have posted before my Dad was my Superman. Today was the 8 year mark since he passed away. Even all these years later, on this day, I can look at the clock and tell you what I was doing at that exact time on THE day. I know my Mom is happy with Beau. My Dad would want her to be taken care of... it is just still hard to swallow at times.

The other part of my day has me quite excited! I went to the license branch today and went inside expecting a line. I walked up to the counter directly and they sent me to take my test. I took the test AND renewed my plates for the car and was out the door in less than 20 minutes!
Yes you read that correctly 20 stinking minutes.... I think it must be a record of some sort... at least for me anyway!
Anyway back to this test. That's right. I passed! I am now an official permit carrying motorcycle wannabe chick! Now let the REAL shopping begin for a motorcycle!
And yes Patty... I am keeping the car for when the weather gets crummy. And yes I will wear a full face helmet with the wind guard... Any more concerns out there?
Thanks Honey,
I feel better knowing that.
One more question though. In my state you renew your plates on your birthday, and you are not a summer birthday (unless I am confusing you with someone else). Big Red's B-day month maybe? I only ask because I don't want to miss sending you B-day wishes!
No in our state they are renewed by the beginning initial of your last name...OR if you purchase a new car you have 30 days. So all families are hit with all the plate charges in the same month...ouch!
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