I can't believe it has been another year already. I remember thinking 1 year ago that all this would be behind me before another year rolled around.
Big Red is asking for another rewrite on the divorce paperwork. I said no.
It costs me every time he gets a burr in his butt and wants to change the wording on it. If he wants it changed he had better hire his own lawyer to do it because I am not budging anymore! He has been informed that if this gets ugly he will be responsible for ALL my lawyer fees since I have been more than accommodating during this whole process.
Good Grief! Just sign the paperwork for crying out loud!
Happy (belated now)Birthday Girlie! Did Big Red always try and get away with giving you such crappy birthday presents, or just since you split? Good for you for giving yourself a great one right back and telling him "NO!"
I officially nominate a name change from "Big Red" to "da feet draggin' bonehead" or am I being too harsh?!
His (hopefully) soon to be EX sister in law
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