We leave the parking garage and realize it has begun to rain...hard. Very hard.
As we are traveling down the LBJ expressway we notice that the rain has let up a bit. The traffic starts to zoom around us even though we are doing a tad above speed limit.
Then it happened.
We started spinning and hydroplaned:
hy·dro·planed, hy·dro·plan·ing, hy·dro·planes
- To drive or ride in a hydroplane.
- To skim along on the surface of the water.
- To be or go out of control by skimming along the surface of a wet road. Used of a motor vehicle.
After 20 minutes or so a 6 foot 8 inch (no joke) truck driver from Galveston Texas pulls over to help. He literally lifted the back of the truck off the concrete thing and placed it on the ground. He then backed up and slowly pulled out and blocked traffic so we could turned around and get to the next exit. He followed us. The Cuz almost wet her pants. She heads for a well lit hotel parking lot. He moves on.
She calls her husband and informs him of our location and tells him she, "is never driving again and we are going to go get a room in the hotel to live."
Did I mention she is a little emotional?
He comes to check out the truck and "talks her down". We finish the rest of the route (in his truck) and the insurance company calls hers "totaled". The next day they measured the distance and we had spun for almost 3/4 of a mile. We had not hit any of the other traffic on the road. This is a miracle!
So there it is. This is why I do not like driving in the rain. And I wasn't even driving.
And this does not even cover all of the other mishaps that occur when a cousin goes south to visit her. Something always happens. EVERY TIME. Maybe trying2hide will pick up the story from her adventures in Texas.
I don't like driving in the rain either.
Wiley story posted
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