Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ninja cat strikes again!

These images reflect how my cat feels right now.

She has no problem with dogs but apparently that is only if it is one dog at a time.

I brought the dogs (only 2) from my sister's house over to my house just because it is easier and as a bonus one of the dogs doesn't have to be kenneled all night.

Yeah One4JC! You are such a loving person.

I don't think the cat thinks so right now.

Neither of the dogs is bothering her. They just want to lay beside her.

She wants no part of that.

She seems to be happiest when the dogs go outside to potty.

She takes the opportunity to rearm herself.

The bonus is that the bigger (Lab) dog takes the littler (Poodle Other small dog that I can't remember right now mix) outside for me.

They have a clever system of chaining the two together so that they both come back.

You see the older bigger dog is training the younger newer dog. And they are both happy as can be with this arrangement.

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