Saturday, May 19, 2007

A few thoughts

When you shout out of your car window when flying past a scooter rider don't expect them to understand you. Basically what they hear is "blahblahBlah BLAH BLAH BLAH blahblahblah" except it is nonsensical .

When you sneeze on a scooter...turn your head to the side.

Tomorrow I must mow the lawn and clean out my car. It HAS to be done.

If I have enough time I will wash it too.

I can't believe gas is $3.36 a gallon!

Since I don't feel I will look professional enough wearing Khaki shorts all summer I made a shopping trip today.

I am not a fan of shopping.

I bought several pairs of Capri's and some new Polo shirts.

Girl clothes I tell you. Pink, frilly GIRL colors!

Why is the Maury Povich show still called that? I think it should just be called..."Are you my babydaddy?" or "DNA questions? Free tests here" or "Out of control teens who will soon be back for the babydaddy special!"

With gas being over $3.00/gallon you would think people would be kinder to people on scooters.

Why is it that Marvin Gaye music makes me want to do very Non-Christian like things? Only the arrow click works for some reason...

Marvin GayeLet's Get It On

I like some of the commercials out right now. They seem to be pushing the boundaries further and further but....

I find this one to be so funny because... good grief I have been there and wish I would have thought of the wood chipper thing!

Well enough for now.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Gas is $3.45 here right now and climbing higher every day!