The Rules:*
Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.*
Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.*
Players should tag eight other people and notify them that they have been tagged.
1. I actually don't mind being tagged for these meme things. Sometimes it is a great way to get to know people.
2. At one point I was taught how to ride (drive isn't the right word) a motorcycle. I never officially applied for a license as my boyfriend and I broke up. I dropped the man and the knowledge. This is the same guy who taught me who to drive a manual transmission.
3. I was a smoker for about 16 years. Ugh I know I know!
4. I love to ski and ride the jet ski in the summer but I don't like having to do 8 hours of work cleaning my Mom's house for a 30 minute ride before it is time to leave. Even if I went up every weekend she would still find all the work to do before we would be "allowed" to ride the jet ski.
5. I am currently shopping around for a new car. At first a
PT Cruiser or a
Volkswagen Beetle sounded good (used of course). Now I am very fond of the used
Saturn. I like the safety testing, recommendations and gas efficiency. So it is still up in the air.
6. I detest anything lemon scented or lemon flavored. I do not like lemon aid, lemon head candy or lemon cake. And don't even get me started on why companies feel the need to make dishwasher detergent or Pledge dusting spray lemon scented! When did lemon scented start to equal clean?
7. I am allergic to nylon. I can wear it in clothing only if it very loose fitting. I can't wear nylons with a dress, bras with nylon and heaven forbid socks that are anything but 100% cotton. It causes a red rash, sores and "profuse sweating" to say the least.
8. I love to burn candles. I like vanilla and berry scented but my absolute favorite is the clean linen or clean cotton scent.
Tag 8 people? I am afraid I am on the tail end of this round of tag so I do not have 8 people left to tag.
Let me know if you pick up this tag so I can come over and check it out.