Sorry I have been missing in action lately. Rest assured that my cat is not happy with my absence from home either.
Once I hire a couple part timers you will be seeing me more often.
On to the highlight reel:
Mom and Beau have been scarce in these parts recently. I am not complaining but my inbox has been much more free from the numerous daily emails.
Big Red has FINALLY gotten my name off the house! YEAH! Only the truck to go and we will have no (current) financial ties.
I was able to download the coolest ring tone to my cell phone. Have you guessed it yet? .....The Superman theme song! All for the low price of $1.99!
Stomach flu and seasonal allergies are the topics at work right now. Let me tell you how NASTY it can be when a baby is eating sweet potatoes and then ah..ahhhh.....aaahhhhh......Achoo! Yeah not one of the "perks" of my job.
There is a cool little local coffee shop across from my work. They make GREAT white chocolate mocha's 20 oz for only about $2.50.
Unfortunately Dairy Queen is also very close to my work...I foresee a potential problem there.
One of the "perks" of my job is being needed to help a tired baby be rocked to sleep. There is one little one whose Mom is built in a similar way as I am in the chest department who loves to nuzzle up to me and coo and she drifts off to sleep.
God is good.
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