I spoke with my friend who happens to be a counselor tonight. Side note: We have tried really hard to avoid this topic lately. I told her I am going to file and explained my plans. She advised me NOT to tell him before the move on Saturday. She believes that he might destroy items. She said it was my call but I think I tend to agree with her on this one. She said that she wouldn't even tell him I was going to file, "That's called 'being served' and you pay for that anyway." So that's the plan since he's not supposed to be home on Saturday.
She was one of the people I was nervous about telling. She said, "Good. Sounds like it's time. (Big Red) made the choice when he choose not to listen to the help he was given." I didn't even tell her that much but the other people involved at the church (2 pastors and 2 class leaders) told her with our permission. They have kept her updated.
Next planned event: Blitz attack at 9:00am Saturday morning!
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