I did however take the "memory box" that I put together with the keepsake items from the miscarriages. It has the ultrasound pictures, cards from friends and a book called "Please Mommy Don't cry" with the children's names written inside the front cover. The book has helped me tremendously by reminding me that my children are in Heaven and I will get to see them again someday. I don't think he is as sentimental as I am, so he most likely will not miss this unless someone mentions that I have it.
I have an appointment with my lawyer on Tuesday. I need to sit down and make a list of assets versus debt with specifics before I go. I'm sure some of the items in the house that are parts to collections or specialty items will require appraisals.
On the up side to all this Big Red has gotten VERY MELLOW. I honestly believe I have taken the "wind out of his sails". I do know that God has once again placed a multitude of things in Big Red's life for him to deal with on an immediate basis. He has disclosed a few of these issues to me and I can say that he is going to have his hands full for the next several years working through these issues. He has put dealing with some of these off for years and it has caught up to him. God is once again bringing Big Red to his knees to get his attention. Big Red even stated to me that I could do whatever I needed to and he would just sign the papers. Now mind you I really don't have any delusions of it being THAT easy but I don't think I'm in for as much of a fight as I anticipated.
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