Not for the weak stomached...
Yesterday afternoon I was summoned across the street to gather up the littlest dog at my sister's humble household. She had a seizure and the little fellow wouldn't leave her alone.
So he awakened me nice and early this morning to go outside for his "daily business" as my grandma would have called it. Not a problem he went out...
I proceeded to check the email, get ready for church and dink around the house...well I dinked a little too long I guess.
I am walking through the living room to get my keys to take the lad back before church and I interrupted him "doing business" on the living room floor. I yelled his name and he stopped... tried to run away but dropped little presents across the living room during his great escape.
I guess once the process is started...
My lovely cat is following me down the hall as she isn't thrilled that we have a house guest. They get along but she doesn't like competing for my attention. I guess we have been alone together too long. When we have a guest human or animal she sticks really close. REALLY REALLY CLOSE. I tripped over her at least 6 times since he came to visit.
Back to the story...where was I? Dog pooping...cat following..dog running leaving a trail...oh yes!
As I yell his name I stop at the entrance of the living room and the smell hits me...then the smell hits the cat and the cat starts throwing up! I try to grab my cat and take her to a non carpeted place...but she runs.................... and continues to puke. In different spots down the hallway before I manage to pick her up.
Let's recap:
* Running late for church
* Dog poops
* One4jc yells
* Cat pukes
Any guesses???
I walked across the living room, grabbed my keys, grabbed the dog and took him home all the while praying that my Mom did not show up between now and when I got home from church.
So I went to church arriving only a few minutes late and came home to clean it all up after church.
Wow makes me wonder what this afternoon has in store...