1. How do I know when someone is flirting with me?
2. How do I flirt back or start the flirtation?
OK so they are big parts but I really am clueless!
INSERT DISCLAIMER HERE: I am not judging anyone by any means. I am simply trying to figure out how I want to walk out this being single thing.
As I have stated before I was not a Christian when Big Red and I met and married. Flirting is different when you are not a believer. Flirting is REALLY different when you are married...
When you are married flirting keeps things interesting so to speak. But there is no line that can't be crossed when you are married...flirting leads to other things and that is great ...if you are married. At least in my world...
When I wasn't a Christian the same lines were not there to cross or not cross...(sorry sis if that is TMI) I was living for me and not God.
So now that you know basically where my boundaries are set...any suggestions on how to flirt?
How do I even let a guy know I am interested? I don't want to be the one asking him out. I want someone to pursue me for a change.
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