He had several friends over at the house playing pool...you know the house he was "too embarrassed" to let anyone else in before.
There was a very distinct smell in the house that angered me.
He ran up stairs as I entered the house...I would love to know what he was hiding.
Not to mention that he "puffed up his chest" and became "full of himself" in front of his friends.
He asked when he could change the locks.. I said when my name is no longer on the house deed.
I will be civil and I will be mature BUT I will NOT be taken advantage of any longer or participate in his games.
But I will stop short of having him drawn and quartered...for now.
I feel for you girl! Big Red is being petty and vindictive at your expense, as a way of not having to face the facts........... You were the best thing that ever happen to him, and HE BLEW IT BIG TIME when he threw you away.
Keep processing and letting out the anger...... I believe that those that can let it out in healthy ways (like this blog) are on the right track. It seems to be the ones that refuse to let themselves feel any negative feelings that end up snapping and becoming serial killers.
Can I say something that may be unwelcome . . . would you expect any less of me? LEAVE HIM ALONE. You do not have to have ANY copntact with him, that's what you are paying your lawyer for. Make a choice for it to be over and completely sever ALL ties. Stop talking to him, do not answer phone calls, if you MUSt communicate the lawyer can send a letter. Obviously he doesn't want contact either as he has apparently moved on as well, probably long before this.
When someone at church attempts to talk about him, say "That part of my life is unfortunately over, I'd rather not concern myself with what he is doing or saying, thanks for your concern." Don't worry about what they think, it's between you and God and your sanity.
Stop getting wrapped up in his life!
There . . . that's my two cents . . . okay maybe four cents. . . do you have change or a nickel?
Actually I do still have to have contact with him at least until May 15th when I'm shutting all the utilities NOT in his name off. As long as things are in my name and he can mess up my credit I still need to have contact. He isn't getting a lawyer. So isn't like the lawyers can hash it out...
Doesn't matter, turn them off. You're not using them, I would've had them turned off long ago . . . he's a big boy, when he doesn't have electricity he will figure it out.
I didn't meant the lawyers can hash it out, your lawyer can send letters to him personally. That's what happened with one of our mutual friends. . .
Just me spouting off . . .
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