"Well I hope you have been saving your money because I am going to get fined by the city for the trash blowing all over the neighborhood!"
Here it is.....
On Saturday some people (from a group she is in) came over and worked on her house because she had "won them" in a silent auction a while ago. They gathered the yard waste and trash (boxes from things they had put together) etc from around the house and placed them by the garage. We joked about the garbage man having a heart attack because there is so much. I said MAYBE I would try to start moving it on Sunday to get a jump on it because there is so much.
Still joking!
I did not need an extra day to move the trash! There was not that much!
From this conversation it moved to... I will be responsible for the fine from the city.
So I am responsible for the trash that her friends left by the garage on Saturday. I was over across the street in my dear sister's garage fixing my car....Remember the Oxygen Sensor! I think I am going to start a count down to when she is going back to the lake for the summer.
It is all done it was just the attitude behind it that makes me mad!
Wow, that is something else. That's totally not your fault. Maybe it was just because her friends weren't around to blame?!
Sorry..... But I just gotta say it..... Having been orphaned at age eight, there are many times I would love to have a mother around driving me crazy! Maybe she is a lesson sent to you by God?
Maybe she is a lesson. I am having a hard time being in my Thirties going throught this divorce and living with her. She has many more issues than I have even attempted to list on my blog. This is my safe place to vent out my feelings and frustrations without hurting her.
If I remember correctly you have been in my shoes in the past and understand the wild emotions that go hand in hand with divorce. So please understand me when I say I love her and I would be devasted if I lost her but sometimes she just doesn't make sense...
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