Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tagged again...

Sigh... I got tagged again...

Four jobs you have had in your life:

1. Short order cook in a small lakeside diner

2. Little Caesar's pizza

3. Attendant at a pool hall on campus during college

4. Daycare teacher...Daycare director... back to teacher....

Four movies you would watch over and over:

1. Fried Green Tomatoes

2. Shawshank Redemption

3. The Princess Bride

4. What a Woman Wants

Four places you have lived:

1. Fort Wayne, In

2. South of Fort Wayne, In

3. North of Fort Wayne, In

4. ANd back to Fort Wayne, In

(I know. I'm very boring, but I am doing this anonymous)

Four TV shows you love to watch:

1. Law & Order

2. Grace Under Fire

3. The Biggest Loser

4. Dr. Phil ( I know, I know)

Four places you have been on vacation:

1. Dallas, Texas

2. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

3. Man that is boring! I'll make up the next one!

4. Ireland....yes that is much better

Four websites I visit daily:

1. My cell phone bill site to check minutes

2. Blogs blogs blogs

3. EBay

4. Game sites Yahoo, fetchfido, pogo etc

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Mashed Potatoes

2. Anything chocolate

3. Steak

4. Cheese

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Heaven
2. Jamaica
3. Dallas
4. Ireland

Four people I am tagging that I think will respond...

1. My Views through Stained Glass

2. Bulgarian Girl

3. As my World Turns

4. Oh crap I think the only person left is Sheri and well I just can't tag her AGAIN!

Four things I always carry with me:

1. Cell phone

2. A Rock (I'll explain that in a different post)

3. Koosh ball or some other toy to keep my hands busy when I have to sit still

4. Tic Tacs Posted by Picasa

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