Sunday, October 16, 2005

The world of Blogging is a scary place...

Ok in the last day or so I have been exploring all the different types of Blogs that are out there. I have come to the conclusion that there are some really weird people in this place called earth. I have seen blogs ranging from ads for companies to random ravings of someone who is borderline ready to be institutionalized to the med student called the "fake doctor" who has made me question whether I will ever place my life (or body more specifically) in the hands of a medical doctor. I do love all the different types of humor I have encountered.

Since this can't be traced to me specifically I will enjoy the anonymity of this and let you into my life a little. I live with my Mother. Not because I want to but because my husband made a choice to have an affair...that sounds like too much fun so let's call it what it is...ADULTERY. I consider myself a Christian and we were living our life according to God's will until he do I say this "slipped". I do believe he can be forgiven and I myself have forgiven him (too many times to count) but there is a certain path we must walk along to rebuild the trust that is broken. All I know for sure is that God has taught me many things in the last several months. I was not and am still not a perfect wife (gasp). I know that God continues to work on me and only I can be responsible for my actions. I am choosing to make changes for myself and out of obedience to God. God tells us exactly how to be a husband and wife. I still have many things to learn about Marriage and life in bear with me if I ramble a bit.

Today I attended Church. If you are interested in hearing the entire sermon click on the link to navigate your way to the online sermons totally free of charge. I learned about Mark 2:1-12. The point the pastor made was that we are called to have faith for our friends that do not yet have it. We need to make sure we have enough faith in God that we are continuing to bring others to God. Sometimes when my own faith is shaky I look around to see that God is still moving in other's lives. He is God no matter where I stand with Him. God is unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What I learned from the sermon was that if others can look at my life and see that I serve God... I can bring them into a relationship with Him also. For those times when I "forget" to tell others about God, if I live for Him they will see Him anyway. Don't get me wrong it is still my Christian duty to spread the word of God but in His infinite wisdom he has set up a fail safe way for to witness even when I don't heed His commands of spreading the word.

Anyway I doubt anyone is reading this or even if this would make sense to anyone but me but that is my 2 cents worth for today.

1 comment:

Salar37_Shushan said...

Pleased to meet you :)

You've a tough row to hoe lately, for sure. May God bless you with much better days ahead!
